viernes, junio 28, 2013

Windows Virtual PC - Reparar XMSUser

Method 1: Reset XPMUser Password by Reinstalling XPM
End user is asked to specify a password for XPMUser default user account during installation of Windows XP Mode. If user lost, forgotten or simply don’t know the password, or the entered password is always wrong, then uninstall and reinstall Windows XP Mode. The installation process will ask for new password again.

Method 2: Log On with Default Administrator Account
It’s possible to try accessing Windows XP Mode with the default administrator account named “Administrator”, which has been made to only display in Safe Mode. By default, there is no password for Administrator account, so it can be used to reset the password of the password of other accounts.
To do this, please perform the steps below:
  1. On Windows XP Mode window, click on Tools -> Disable the Integration Features.
  2. Restart the Windows XP Mode.
  3. When the Boot Menu appears at startup, press F8. Note: Keep pressing the F8 key until the Windows Startup menu appears.
  4. On the Windows Advanced Options Menu, select Safe Mode and press ENTER.
  5. Log into Windows by using the Administrator account and password. Note: The password is blank by default unless you already set a password.
  6. After logging into Safe Mode, click Start, go to Run, type in nusrmgr.cpl and press ENTER.
  7. Choose the user you want to modify and Click Reset Password.
  8. Set a new password.
  9. Click Advanced tab, Click Advanced button. (Windows > Run > Type: control passwords2 > Click OK)
  10. Click Users.
  11. Choose the user you want to modify in the right pane. Right it and Click Properties.
  12. Check and tick the box of Password never expires.
  13. Click OK.
  14. Quit the settings and restart Windows XP Mode to the normal mode.
  15. When log on to Windows XP Mode, remember to check the box Remember my credentials so that you no need to enter the password again.
Method 3: Logon without Integration Features
Windows XP Mode Integration Features requires an user account with password set to log on. Use the following following steps to set a password and then configure the virtual machine to remember the credentials and not to prompt for the password to open each programs.
  1. When Windows XP Mode requests a password, click Cancel. Integration Features should be disabled, else go to Tools -> Disable Integration Features. Without Integration Feature, you are allowed to logon with an account which do not have a password.
  2. Type the user name and password (if any) to log on to XP Mode.
  3. To use Integration Features, it’s recommended to set a password for current user and use Windows Virtual PC ability to “remember my credentials” to avoid having to login manually.

domingo, marzo 31, 2013

domingo, agosto 19, 2012

Configuracion APN Telcel Mèxico


[Configuracion APN Telcel Mèxico]

Muchos de Uds. estaran batallando para configurar sus Mensajes Multimedia, GPRS y 3G de Telcel Mèxico, yo tome los datos de la pagina de Telcel para configurar el MB300 y los puse en mi D2G y esta funcionando, el 3G no lo he podido probar ya que no tengo plan de datos y mala recepcion por donde vivo, pero Edge si se conecta, aqui las APN:


Entrar a Menu principal/Redes inalam y redes/Redes Moviles/Puntos de acceso/ Oprimir boton de Menu y elegir APN Nuevo:

Nombre: Mexico: Telcel: Internet
Nombre de usuario: webgprs
Contraseña: webgprs2003
Proxy de MMS:
Puerto MMS:
MCC: 334
MNC: 020
Protocolo de autenticación: PAP
Tipo de APN:


Entrar a Menu principal/Redes inalam y redes/Redes Moviles/Puntos de acceso/ Oprimir boton de Menu y elegir APN Nuevo:

Nombre: Telcel: Mensajes Multimedia
Nombre de usuario: mmsgprs
Contraseña: mmsgprs2003
Proxy de MMS:
Puerto MMS: 8080
MCC: 334
MNC: 020
Protocolo de autenticación: PAP
Tipo de APN: mms


Entrar a Menu principal/Redes inalam y redes/Redes Moviles/Puntos de acceso/ Oprimir boton de Menu y elegir APN Nuevo:

Nombre: Telcel GPRS
Puerto: 8080
Nombre de usuario: iesgprs
Contraseña: iesgprs2002
Proxy de MMS:
Puerto MMS:
MCC: 334
MNC: 020
Protocolo de autenticación:
Tipo de APN: default

martes, agosto 07, 2012

The 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' provider is not registered on the local machine, Windwos 7

This usually happens when you run a 32-bit application on a 64-bit operating system

To resolve this issue open the project in Visual Studio then:

1. From the solution explorer right-click your project then click Properties
2. Click the Build tab
3. Change Platform target from: Any CPU to x86
4. Re-build your solution

lunes, agosto 06, 2012

Convert pictures to icons online


This tool converts images like .png, .jpg, .bmp, or .gif to a Windows icon (.ico). For best results, the image should be properly prepared before converting it.

Getting started

This tool converts your existing image to an icon (.ico file) that you can use to customize a shortcut or a folder. You can also use the created icon as a fav-icon for your web.